Three Betting from the BlindsOne of the biggest mistakes that players make is three betting too liberally from the blinds.
They watch poker training videos, pick up a three betting range, and an understanding that it is better to three bet, when out of position, than to play a raised pot out of position, and go three-betting crazy.The mistake lies in the underestimation of playing pots out of position against decent opponents. In fact, playing poker out of position is so difficult it can even be treacherous against the fish in the game. Another problem that players suffer from, that results in too much three betting from the blinds, is ego, an issue that players in the Betfair WSOP 2012 Qualifiers must deal with quickly.Players can see that the cutoff and button are robbing them blind and they need to take a stand. But this stand is like pushing a barrel full of bricks up a wall. Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride, moves tables, or just grin and bear it. But all of this does not mean that you should never three bet from the blinds, on the contrary; when you do three bet make sure that you have a polarised range. Always three-bet with your strongest hands such as AA-QQ and AK but mix in the odd bluff with a suited ace or small suited connector. Hands such as pocket pairs can be played for set mining and then the rest of the hands can just be mucked. If you are extremely confident about your post flop play, then you can call with some medium strength hands out of position. But as the old adage goes – there are always better spots.
Party PokerParty Poker has the world’s highest number of players during their peak hours. Anything between 17,000 to 20,000 Players participate in ring games and 24,000 to 28,000 Tournament Players. Every month a player can win up to $250 million in the Online Tournament Prize Pools. Over 10 Million hands are dealt in a day in about 185 countries. At Party Poker you can expect to find various loose games with $15 to $30 limits, Tell a Friend Bonus, special events, brilliant promotions, benefits and a Real Player loyalty program.Games such as 7 Card Stud, Texas Hold'em, and Omaha.
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Last Updated 22 May 2015
Three Betting from the Blinds